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Daten zur Person

Name: Alexander Piller
Birthday: 1993-07-12

Team history

Total 158 18 8 0 0
Teams 158 18 8 0 0
SpVgg Greuther Furth 44 6 3 0 0
SpVgg Unterhaching 60 7 1 0 0
1. FC Schweinfurt 05 17 0 1 0 0
SpVgg Bayreuth 37 5 3 0 0

Performance data

Total 158 18 8 0 0
Leagues and competitions 158 18 8 0 0
Regional League Bavaria Play-offs 2 0 0 0 0
Regional League Bavaria 140 18 8 0 0
DFB Cup 5 0 0 0 0
3rd League 9 0 0 0 0
promotion play-offs to 3. Liga 2 0 0 0 0